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Why Authors Choose BookBelow

Exciting Offers

We regularly give attractive offers to our authors so that they can reach more readers at less cost.

Easy to Use

The BookBelow dashboard is very easy to use. Manage your books anywhere and no matter when. Run your profile on your own terms and promote your books to authentic readers.

Track Books Visits

You can track your book visits per month which will be very useful for you.

Track Your Followers

You can track your new followers regularly. More followers means more reach of books.

Track Profile Visits

You can track your profile visits per month which will be very useful for you.

Track Readers Library

You can track how many readers 'want to read', 'are reading', and 'have read' your books.

Our Services

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Promoting your book is much easier with our daily newsletters.

Grow Followers

BookBelow Giveaways are a powerful way to grow your followers.

Editorial Reviews

Editorial reviews improve the authenticity of your work and boost your earnings in the long run.

Featured Books

This directs the website traffic towards your book and highlights it amid innumerable others.

Share your story

Your voice is meant to be heard loud and clear. No one can showcase your stories, better than you yourself!


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Author Testimonials

I love how easy it is to use, and the ability to select a variety of promos and dates all together and only have to enter the information once :)

-- Kathleen Buhle

Excellent Service, I always see a boost in sales when I use this service. It has many promotion options. Thanks for helping authors!

-- Tessa Kelly

I’ve used BookBelow several times and this is by far the most effective advertising platform for books including platforms such as Facebook Ads, Editorial Reviews, and Goodreads Reviews.

-- Jennifer

The BookBelow is great for promoting books at a reasonable price. I would recommend BookBelow to any self-published author.

-- James David

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