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Rick Adelmann Interview

  • Q. Can you tell us a little about yourself and what inspired you to become a writer?

    Ans. I've been writing throughout my life. Mostly because I love doing it. The bug hit me at twelve when my younger sister asked me to write a short play for her and her friends to perform for their parents. I did, and everyone loved it, children and parents alike. So, from there, I wrote short stories and newspaper articles.

  • Q. What genre(s) do you primarily write in, and what draws you to that particular genre?

    Ans. Historical mysteries are my favorite to write. I also enjoy paranormal stories as well.

  • Q. What is your favorite book, and what about it resonates with you the most?

    Ans. There are so many to choose from. If I had to nail it down, it would be Leo Tolstoy's The Cossacks. Tolstoy had a magical way of describing people and places that I tried to emulate.

  • Q. Who is your favorite author, and how have they influenced your writing?

    Ans. Again, too many great authors. But Arthur Conan Doyle has to be the one who influenced me the most. His Sherlock Holmes stories were all masterpieces of Mysteries.

  • Q. How do you balance writing with other aspects of your life, such as work, family, or hobbies?

    Ans. Now that I'm retired from doing the nine-to-five thing, I have more time to work on my writing. My hobby of caring for my garden comes first in the morning. In Arizona, you have to get up mighty early to beat the heat. Then I spend a few hours at the keyboard before joining my family with other duties and fun.

  • Q. How do you show appreciation and love to your followers and readers? Do you actively engage with them on social media or through other means?

    Ans. I like making my newsletter a personal affair. I tell those on my mailing list about family activities as well as what's new with my writing. I also have a special column of events happening one hundred years ago that month. Since my series is based in the 1920s, the find that interesting.

  • Q. What do you enjoy most about being an author, and what keeps you motivated to continue writing?

    Ans. The sheer love of creating stories and sharing them with others.

  • Q. Have you ever faced writer's block, and if so, how do you overcome it?

    Ans. No, I have endless notes written down about possible plots and storylines. I keep well ahead of what my current project is.

  • Q. Can you share any interesting or funny anecdotes from your writing journey?

    Ans. None to tell.

  • Q. What advice would you give to aspiring authors who are just starting their writing journey?

    Ans. Don't stop writing! Even if you think it isn't exceptionally good, keep going. Try more than one genre and see if you feel comfortable with that. But keep on writing! If you stop, you get rusty, and you lose your edge.

  • Q. Do you have any upcoming projects or works in progress that you'd like to share with your readers?

    Ans. I'm working on book twelve in my MG&M Detective Agency series. The title, at this time, is The Haunted Ballard House Affair. A mystery tinged with supernatural forces that Jim and Anneka Mallory, their partner Woodie Garth, and new characters, Russell Manning and Rachel Scott, must solve to free a town from evil.

  • Q. Finally, what are your goals and aspirations as a writer? Where do you see yourself and your writing career in the future?

    Ans. Just doing what I'm doing. Taking one inspiring day at a time.

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