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Best Books To Read After A Breakup That Will Fix Your Broken Heart

2021-Dec-09 || By BookBelow || 0 Comments
Best Books To Read After A Breakup That Will Fix Your Broken Heart

Have you been playing Prince's "Purple Rain" on loop lately, or know someone who is? Then there's a pretty decent chance that a breakup is involved in the picture. It is also a fact that heartbreaks are an inevitable side effect in the quest of finding your soulmate. Different people choose different ways to deal with heartbreak, some of which might be unhealthy to both their body and mind. That being said, there's no right or wrong way of coping with breakups.

The aftermath of a breakup throws up a vortex of emotions ranging from self-pity to anger to grief. It's important to patiently pick your way out by working through these emotions. Books present us with an effective and novel way of dealing with the emotionally sapping fallout from a heartbreak. Here's a list of books that we hope and believe will help you or someone that you know handle heartbreak better: 

Break-ups suck, don't they? Nobody likes the fact that they leave us raw and vulnerable, notwithstanding all that sadness, anger, and self-loathing we feel. So if you or a friend of yours' heart was broken recently, then we hope that our recommendations can help tend to it.

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