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A sentence can win wars, a sentence can turn tables, a sentence can change the story and one powerful sentence can make you an ardent reader. Check out! We’ve got some amazing quotes from the favourites of books that can intrigue and inspire you to read.

Quote of the day

“It did occur to me that the effect of good literature may be as dizzying as that of alcohol.”
― Pamela Dean

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.” ― Joseph Brodsky

“That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.” ― Jhumpa Lahiri

“Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out.”J.K. Rowling

“She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.” ― Louisa May Alcott

“Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.”Carlos Ruiz Zafón

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

“We live for books.”Umberto Eco

“Books are the mirrors of the soul.” ― Virginia Woolf

“Reading one book is like eating one potato chip.” ― Diane Duane

“I read a book one day and my whole life was changed.” ― Orhan Pamuk

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