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Broken Pencils

By BookBelow Team | 2024-Jul-16
Broken Pencils

As the title 'Broken Pencils' denotes, this fantastical tale takes us through various moments of life, in such a meaningful way. J. R. Rice has concocted authentic and strong themes into the finest reading. Each sentence and even picture used has its own complex reflections of society, human life, illusions, and imagination.

The life journey of Jonah colored with the rhythm of emotions and gripping incidents unveils those unpredictable uncertainties and realities of life. Rice's multi-layered storytelling speaks aloud about the unseen power of inner peace and mental health. Beautiful descriptions and detailing of each instance and character delve the readers in-depth into the Jonah's life.

The author has definitive intention in the whole scripting of the tale. Through the one-word title of each chapter, Rice describes the overall concept behind this rare work. The empathetic and emotional dialogues and scenarios stand as deep impressions in the reader's mind. Jonah's reflex coupled with his physical and mental reaction to each character are structured very effectively, giving us an illuminated idea about each character.

From many broken and hardest times in life, there awaits success and happiness at its end. The spirit of inspiration enlightens the wave of confidence within us. The title Broken Pencil is an idiomatic representation of a depressed person who comes across diverse circumstances by wearing a small smile on his face.

Teenagers struggle with their parents in understanding each other's points of thinking and feelings and the very many hardships that sprout out make this more intimate piece of work. Each character in it had their own specific importance in Jonah's life, wherein some of them persist like a strong pillar whereas some others have put Jonah into hardships.

Jonah loves his parents but the disappointment that his approach makes to his parents provokes him to walk away from his family. Thus at times, those strangers become his family and strength. All these are the real truths of human life in this society. As a social being, there will not come an instance when we will be completely deserted by the entire population around us, instead, there shall be at least one or two to hear our sorrows and stand as a solid support for the existence of our life.

The author has very effectively depicted various essential morals and messages that are to be put on to society using the mesmerizing magic of words. Rice has changed the overall narrow mindset of people about the importance of mental health. This visceral odyssey takes the readers to the world of fantasy. 

Broken Pencils

Broken Pencils

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