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Forget Having Kids. I'm Having Fun By Dane A. Reid

By BookBelow Team | 2022-Nov-14
Forget Having Kids. I'm Having Fun By Dane A. Reid

The first thought that crossed our mind after reading the book’s title was, "Whoa, he just stated that out loud!" It caused a variety of mixed feelings and was shocking and unexpected. No one can even fathom thinking this, but the author has written a book about it! Just wow! In the very introduction, it is said that being a child-hater is different from being child-free. But there are so many people out there—not the family, but talking about the strangers who have literally nothing to do with you or your family and who don't understand that, or, should it be said, don't want to understand that?

The author doesn't justify his desire to be childless—which is the nicest thing about the book—but instead supports women. Have we ever considered how many women feel it is their obligation to have children after getting married? It has nothing to do with what she or her spouse wants; society has conditioned us to believe so. Try telling your parents that you do not want to have children and that all you want in life is to be happy with your partner. They may ultimately decide to support it, but they will undoubtedly be unhappy about it. But why even bother seeking their endorsement or consent? Isn't it sufficient that you made that decision for yourself?

After you turn the last page of this book, all of these thoughts and a million more will hit you hard. Even a fiction novel with a lover dying at the end would fail to make the reader experience as many emotions and ideas as this book has. This book's chapter titles, which are chosen at random, are one of its best features. Like it validates that when a person wants to become child-free, they don't have one particular reason. For the same reason, this book can be related to anyone.

The author has narrated his personal experiences and circumstances that made him decide he would be better off without a child. The book is very engaging, and the writing style is kept so simple that the reader will not take long before getting attached to the pages and enjoying the lines and relating the words. In this genre, this is the greatest and only best.

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Dane A. Reid

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