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The Paris Detective By James Patterson

By BookBelow Team | 2022-Jan-11
The Paris Detective By James Patterson

James Patterson's books always leave me feeling a little taken aback and bewildered. They offer roughly something that tends to keep one on the edge and stuck on reaching its conclusion, while the other times there’s a magnetic pull about them that you just cannot seem to ever escape. The Paris Detective which is the third installment in the Paris series was amazingly written but I believe it to be deficient in certain areas and subdivisions, being way too easy to read (plot wise) and giving away the fun and the unpredictability. Disdain these factors feel like the curiosity cat residing in all of us will remain extra awakened during the book which is total to the writer’s credibility, and will lowkey high key force you to pick up the rest of the books in the series, plus making one look forward to the next upcoming novellas in the series.

This one was conceivably my favorite of all his books that I’ve come across. This book comprised of three stories, each of them delivering a fun and interesting read as I skimmed through them, I was laughing and brimming onto my seat for what is next in line one second and was left misty-eyed in the other few stories.  I think James did a rather slyly brilliant job at having the book and its stories’ pace rather steadily than quickly, holding the reader and their dear attention like a hook, making them to want on reading in order to see where the pages and its plot drives the story next.

The characters in this book were exceptionally portrayed compared to the other two as I could relate and appreciate their vivid complicity here. My favorite duo was that of our very own Moncrief and the ever-present K. Burke, with their very strategic and compatible dynamic. They truly kept up and even enhanced the saga, I guess it’s safe to say they make up to be a great team and I truly enjoyed reading through and about their kinship. Though I did have my own vents about the stories, at how each one of them does seem to really not give much into the details of the how’s or why’s of the crime yet somehow the lead, Luc seems to crack the delinquency.

Filled with many, ironically, loops and holes that create a shortcoming for something hollow and leave the reader kind of frustrated because of our simplistic human nature of wanting to know it all and finding answers. That would definitely be a factor that I’d deduct interest and points about. Buti also is optimistic that we’d be given answers to some, if not hopefully all, in the next and forthcoming stories following up these three in the Paris series, so I deduce only time to be our cohort of hope for now.

Overall, I truly devoured and enjoyed all three of the stories: The French kiss, French Twist, and the Christmas mystery! A perfect quick and a rather witty read that would entertain anyone and everyone who picked this remarkable piece up!

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