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You Can

You Can

By George Matthew Adams


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THE little Talks that make up these pages were written quite as much to help me as to help you who honor me by reading them. As a matter of common fact we are all inherently related to each other, so that what I have for you, you have for me.

Other minds—away back, and all along into the now— have given to me, and I, as a sort of Un-ordained Fashioner, hand over to you what was in the first place as much meant for you as for me. If you catch fire from contact with the ideas and suggestions that these few pages clothe anew, this book shall have been Worthwhile.

The easiest thing in the world is to Succeed. You can’t help it if you follow the rules and play the game the best way you know how according to Yourself, instead of according to the one next to you, or above you, or somewhere away from you.

One thing I hope—and that is that you will feel the human warmth of sincere Purpose that first inspired these little Talks. To me the pleasure of Work and Achievement is so great that for you to get my experience, shall mean increased pleasure returned to me.

Most of these suggestions were written between tasks while the plowing and work of tilling the business soil was at full energy. Some were written at Night, at Morning, on Trains, in Hotels, and some while “out on pleasure bent.” They have all been squeezed out of busy hours, which in turn is an apology for everything they lack except the desire back of them to be Helpful.

So, I walk as another human in the ranks and join you in your largest Success. YOU CAN—I know.

G. M. A.

Montclair, New Jersey,

June, 1913
Book Recommendation Genie

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