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How to Manifest Your Desires by Having None: The Simple Secret to Real Abundance

How to Manifest Your Desires by Having None: The Simple Secret to Real Abundance

By Beau Norton


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The entire history of humanity has been a story of struggle and striving for MORE. We’ve come a long way through pure effort and willpower alone, but has it brought us any closer to true satisfaction? We’re comfortable, but are we HAPPY?

It seems that we know of only one way to obtain our desires: struggle. We are relentless in our striving. Sometimes we strive for money, sometimes for health, sometimes for love, and sometimes for simple security and comfort. WHAT we strive for is not important. What is important is to recognize the fact that we ARE striving for SOMETHING.

In this book you will learn why you have been looking in all the wrong places and where to look instead if you want to not only be happy, but effortlessly manifest your desires as well.
Book Recommendation Genie

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