Financial tips your parents & teachers never told you about!
This course is aimed at young adults and university graduates who are about to enter into a profession. It teaches you the basics of working with money and planning for the future. The 12 lessons and advice in this course are simple, yet share practical and essential information that can make your future far more sustainable, thus giving you the edge in becoming financially secure. Best of all - you can do all 12 lessons in under 30 minutes!
Lesson 1: Acknowledgement of the Self
Lesson 2: You are the Sandwich Generation
Lesson 3: You Will Pay Higher Taxes
Lesson 4: Understanding Budgeting
Lesson 5: Patience – Learn to Save
Lesson 6: Build a Contingency Fund
Lesson 7: Save for Retirement Immediately
Lesson 8: Last Will & Testament
Lesson 9: Never Cash in Savings
Lesson 10: Cover All Risks
Lesson 11: Find a Professional Financial Advisor
Lesson 12: Always Remain Informed