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Stormy Love

Stormy Love

By Lexy Timms


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USA Today Bestselling Author, Lexy Timms, weaves a story of betrayal, deceit, and risking it all for love.

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.

On her wedding day, Ava finds her fiancée messing around with his best man's wife. Stranded at the altar, she manages to collect herself. Humiliated and angry, she decides to go on her honeymoon—alone. It's already paid for, so why not. She swears off rich men for the rest of her life.

The hunk offering scuba lessons seems the perfect distraction. Short term. No Strings.

Why shouldn't she spend her honeymoon making love? It may not be with her husband, but then again, she isn't wearing a ring.
Book Recommendation Genie

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