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Runways and High Heels and Murder

Runways and High Heels and Murder

By Patti Larsen


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An empowering kind of moment

I had no idea hitting someone could be so emotionally satisfying. Not that I condoned violence on a regular basis, but I did happen to be known for my temper. Still, I usually took the pacifist route on the outside, if I tended to boil over on the inside. This opportunity to actually use my fists to strike out at another human being had much more appeal than I should have allowed myself. And the tight grin and panting half-hiccup, half giggle that escaped me every time I punched Matt honestly had to go.

Self-defense class was fun, yo.

Fee and Crew have fallen into a delightful romance while Reading’s continuing popularity keeps her busy at work. When a fashion show comes to town, Fee finds herself hosting Vivian French’s favorite designer at Petunia’s, along with the drama that entails. But when one of the elite ends up dead, it’s the drama between her loved ones that gets Fee the most riled up while she does her best to solve yet another murder.

Don't miss a single volume in the Fiona Fleming Cozy Mysteries! Find books one through five available now:

Bed and Breakfast and Murder
Chocolate Hearts and Murder
Fame and Fortune and Murder
Ghosts and Goblins and Murder
Ganache and Fondant and Murder
Ropes and Trees and Murder
Anchors Away and Murder
Guns and Ammo and Murder
Book Recommendation Genie

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