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Play it Filthy

Play it Filthy

By May Sage


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Hes has one rule: no matter how gorgeous they are, she doesn’t get involved with any friend, or business partner of the Kings. 
They’re nothing but trouble, and she won’t jeopardize her career for a man.
The rule serves her well, until Edmund Ashworth, the royal pain in the neck of a British lord who seem to think he owns NYC.

Edmund wants a piece of Kings property, a place at The Tower, and a night with Hester Hall. He can have the first two for a price, but Hes is determined to ignore their consuming attraction.
It should just have been harmless fun, an entertaining challenge, nothing more. But when he peeks under the surface, Edmund gets a glimpse of what he stands to lose, should he mess it up.
Book Recommendation Genie

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