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Blood of Amber
“Yes. I am a sorcerer. I am Merlin, son of Corwin of Amber and Dara of the Courts of Chaos, known to local friends and acquaintances as Merle Corey: bright, charming, witty, athletic… Go read Castiglione and Lord Byron for particulars, as I’m modest, aloof and reticent, as well.” When last we saw Merlin, Luke had imprisoned him in the blue crystal cave. After more than a month of durance Merlin manages an escape. But he’s not content with just gaining his freedom. Merlin journeys to the Keep of Four Worlds and does battle with the upstart wizard Mask. As the duel ends merlin kidnaps the paralyzed Jasra (Luke’s Mother) to give him leverage over Luke. Merlin’s adventures only get stranger from there.
Book Recommendation Genie

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