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A Splash of Vanilla

A Splash of Vanilla

By Bethany Lopez


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For the past year, Dru has put everything she has into building a catering business with her sisters. She’s so used to working until all hours of the night with them by her side, that when they both find love and move out, Dru decides to focus on something that has always weighed on her… finding the father who’d abandoned them.

For the past year, Mick has been living the good life. A content bachelor with his own business as a private investigator, he enjoys making his own decisions and answering to no one. When a couple of clients-turned-friends bring him in contact with Dru, his first thought is that he wouldn’t mind getting her alone for a night, but when she hires him, that spark is extinguished. Mick doesn’t mix business with pleasure.

When their lives become constantly entwined, Dru becomes more and more determined to get Mick to break his rules. Will they discover that even a seemingly perfect dish, can be made better with the right amount of spice, or are they too set in their ways?
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