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What Hopes are Made of

What Hopes are Made of

By Debra Clopton


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Catch up as the story continues on Star Gazer Island. Three women find friendship and courage on the shores of Corpus Christi Bay. Come visit the Star Gazer Inn, with a side trip to the McIntyre Ranch, as widow Alice McIntyre finds her way between two worlds.

The Star Gazer Inn is packed as the summer nights cool off, but temperatures are rising as Alice and Seth are exploring a new level of their "friendship" and both are nervous. 

Oh the "Glamping" we will do...Riley has more than he bargained for as the venue opens, and the women show up in droves ready to be pampered while roughing it on the ranch's beach side retreat. And the woman he's been hoping he would find just pulled into the park...

Jackson and Nina are expecting...puppies! 

And Lisa is not happy when an old flame shows up as a guest at the Inn.

Put your feet up, grab a glass of sweet iced tea, or a glass of your favorite wine and enjoy time on the Texas coast.

This new series follows Alice, her sons, and her friends--and new loves--on the South Texas coast with its sparkling topaz water.

You'll want to dip your toes in and stay awhile.
Book Recommendation Genie

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