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Bad Things

Bad Things

By Emily Goodwin


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They say it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. I think that’s total b******t. No one wants to be a loser in the Game of Love. Trust me, I know. With a lying fiancee and a canceled wedding, I’ve lost big time.

And that loss turned me bitter, so hell bent on vengeance that I almost let it destroy everything. Determined never to go down that dark path again, I’ve sworn off romance. Work became my priority, my safe place, the one constant in my life that wouldn’t tempt me.

Until I took on a project I normally wouldn’t, and it introduced me to someone I never would have talked to before. No matter how hard I try, my professionalism slips away the more we work together, and I know it’s a disaster in the making.

Bad things happen when I open my guarded heart. But when I look at her, bad things are all I want to do.

BAD THINGS is book three in the LOVE IS MESSY series
Book Recommendation Genie

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