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Tempting the Player

Tempting the Player

By Lexy Timms


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The trouble with trouble is that it always starts out as fun.

The bright lights of L.A. are calling my name. No more small town living for me. Years after trying to find my way in the world of admin, I'm finally breaking free.

Or so I thought…

My first weekend in the big city with my friend and we decide to try out a club for some stress relief. The most handsome player I've ever seen decided he wanted one girl's attention that night – mine. I turned him down and walked away. I've seen his kind far too many times.

Fast forward a few days later, I'm at an interview for an executive assistant cause a girl's gotta eat, and who walks in?

The player.

You have got to be kidding me, but the money is good and the benefits are amazing.

Unfortunately for me, the man is the bane of my existence and everything I could ever want in a lover.

As much as I try not to, my days are quickly becoming consumed with new ways to tempt the player.



Book 1 - Tempting the Player

Book 2 - Late Night Boardroom

Book 3 - Reviewing the Performance


Book 4 – Results of Passion

Book 5 – Directing the Next Move

Book 6 – Touching the Assets
Book Recommendation Genie

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