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Murder as Sticky as Jam

Murder as Sticky as Jam

By Diana Orgain


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Come for the cozy, stay for the thrill of it
The first in a brand new series: A Gluten Free Mystery
In a jam…
Jam-making besties, Mona Reilly and Vicki Lawton are gearing up for the grand opening of Jammin' Honey. But when Mona is lured away to taste some delectable pastries, their store burns down with a victim inside--and all fingers point to Mona as the prime suspect.

Now, with the help the crazy Coupon Clippers clan, Mona must prove her innocence and redeem her lifelong dream. After all, she received her seed money from her crazy and unpredictable Aunt Cee--and she can't possibly let her down. With several attempts on her life and Vicki's shady new beau in the picture, things look bleak for the jam-making jailbird. Will Mona concoct a recipe to get herself out of this very sticky situation?
Book Recommendation Genie

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