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Resurrected Bumpkin

Resurrected Bumpkin

By Sam Cheever


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Meanwhile, in a local support group for people with control issues… 
Hi! I’m Joey, and I’m learning to cope with not having control over any aspect of my life.  
Really, I am.  
So what if my boyfriend’s parents are here for a visit. I can deal with that, right? They probably won’t completely hate me. I’m sure they won’t judge me for being an unrepentant bumpkin.  
Oh, and somebody's trying to kill my mom. There's no way that can end badly.   
But, surely I can find the villain before he accomplishes his deadly task, right? 
At least Hal's parents are here to watch me completely melt down and lose my mind. Sooo, that's cool.  
Sigh… Stick a pitchfork in me. I’m dung.
Book Recommendation Genie

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