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Shadows Landing: Books 1 & 2

Shadows Landing: Books 1 & 2

By Kathleen Brooks


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This two-book collection begins the Shadows Landing series by Kathleen Brooks. Romance, danger, and a bit of comedy fill each book set in the small town of Shadows Landing.

Saving Shadows

Gavin Faulkner was the only doctor in the small South Carolina inner coastal town of Shadows Landing. He was used to patching up everything from fishing lures stuck in skin to gator bites. Nothing could surprise him anymore—except when he found an unconscious woman partially submerged near his dock after a fierce thunderstorm.

Ellery St. John’s last memory was of a bat swinging toward her head. The next thing she knew, she was cold, wet, and a sexy man was pressing his lips to hers. Too bad it turned out to be CPR instead of a passionate kiss.

Gavin thought Ellery would be safe in the small town where BBQ wars were the biggest danger, but he was wrong. Now it was up to him to help Ellery put the pieces together in order to discover who had tried to kill her and why before they both ended up at the bottom of the ocean.

Sunken Shadows

As a rescue swimmer for the Coast Guard, Wade Faulkner was used to unpredictable situations. But an emergency call late one night turns his life upside down. After finding a boat on fire, he discovers a dead body and a visibly shaken woman in need of rescue. Now he finds himself entangled in a murder mystery between two teams of treasure hunters out for the discovery of a lifetime . . . and he’s falling for the main suspect.

Darcy Delmar survived an explosion on her boat while racing to be the first to find a sunken treasure she believes to be worth more than most people can possibly imagine. Now she is the lead suspect in the murder of a fellow treasure hunter. Or is she simply the next victim?

As Wade and Darcy lose themselves to the passion of the hunt and a new love, one thing becomes clear: this is a treasure worth killing for.
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