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The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes

By Deepak Chopra


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“DeepakChopra has developed his own unique form of complementary, mind-body medicine.”—U.S. News & World Report

Theworld needs heroes, and, as spiritual authority Deepak Chopra demonstrates inthis gripping and deeply perceptive meditation on our potential to excel, everyone of us possesses the power to help save the planet—and the strength to claimour best possible lives. For readers who draw inspiration from comic books andmovies like Ironman, The Uncanny X-Men, and Superman, forthe Peter Parkers who wonder how to unlock their inner Spider-man, Choprailluminates the path to becoming a spiritual superhero, teaching us how towield the great power of the human heart to work real changes in ourselves andin the world around us.
Book Recommendation Genie

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