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Welcome to the Guilt Club: Taming Self-Doubt When Raising Kids

Welcome to the Guilt Club: Taming Self-Doubt When Raising Kids

By Michelle Smith


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From babyhood on, the guilt never ends. Was I overly harsh with that discipline? Should I really let my children cry themselves to sleep? I’m such a loser for needing time to myself. My husband is going to divorce me due to neglect. Have I fed my child anything green in the last six years? I just know my teenager lies because of that one time I dropped her on her head when she was a baby! “Mother-in-law guilt is worse than parental guilt! My mother-in-law was judgmental about everything from the bottle I gave to the diaper I changed. She questioned everything I did because ‘we didn’t do it that way!’ ” — Maria, mom of two. “My kids don’t clean up after themselves and it wears me out. I ask, then yell, and then they make me feel so guilty that I just give up. They act like I’m so mean when I ask them to clear the table. I don’t know what to do. Sometimes I think they should do more to help, but other times it’s easier to do it myself and avoid the argument.” — Gina, mom of two. My friends, it’s time to step back and laugh at our mistakes, appreciate the faults and whining of others, and have an open mind when it comes to crass language, chocolate, and drinking wine to calm yourself down. Welcome to the Guilt Club. It sucks. In this book you will learn: 1) The five major issues we feel guilty about. 2) How to manage guilt in an objective way. 3) How to change what we do to make our parenting better. 4) How to realize what we do well and stick to it. 5) How to stop our kids from pushing our guilt buttons. 6) How to change the dynamic of our house from negative to positive and much, much, more!
Book Recommendation Genie

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