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The Romantics, Video Enhanced

The Romantics, Video Enhanced

By Providence eLearning


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A cultural era ripe with the exploration of philosophy, art, and the written word, the Romantic era brought us some of the most brilliant and highly regarded poets in the history of the English language.

From Byron and Keats to Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Shelley, this video-enhanced, multi-touch book from Providence eLearning provides nearly three hours of video lectures throughout to help explain the meanings behind each unique works.  Each of the poems is also narrated by William Lasseter and includes review questions to allow the reader to check for content comprehension.

More than just a complete text, this literary masterpiece allows the reader to be surrounded by the sights and sounds of an era which emphasized emotion and imagination, freedom, the outdoors, and the idea that man is capable of great things.
Book Recommendation Genie

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