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The Sonnets

The Sonnets

By William Shakespeare


Apple Books Amazon
Thou art thy lecture’s glass and its words in thee shall thrive!
Beauty, love, flattery, introspection… perfect contents in the perfect form. What else can go better with a lazy summer evening?
We publish this ebook now as a tribute to the great work of Touch Press, released a few weeks ago on the App Store: The Sonnets by William Shakespeare is one of the best iPad applications ever. Besides a perfect technical interaction, the app features stunning perfomances from Sir Patrick Stewart, Kim Cattrall or Stephen Fry. We had hours and hours of quality time with this app, however, it works only on the iPad.
But our ebook is for everybody! As opposed to the iPad application the ePub has a simpler, more straightforward format of Shakespeare’s work.
You can search, make annotations, change the font, sync between devices, bookmark, highlight text, thou name it.
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