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Light 'Em Up

Light 'Em Up

By Kelly Jamieson


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Annie Bang

I’m thrilled to be working in professional hockey, since my five brothers are all hockey players. My new role as skating coach to the New York Bears is the perfect fit and I can’t wait to whip all these guys into shape so we can win more games. Except one of the guys is Logan Coates—the guy who sent my brother to the hospital in a memorable game three seasons ago. I want nothing to do with him.

Logan Coates

I don’t need some tiny figure skater telling me what to do. I know how to skate. I wouldn’t be in the NHL if I didn’t. Although, I am a fourth liner. I do want more ice time. I want to make a difference on the team. But learning how to figure skate isn’t it. Especially from Annie Bang, who hates my guts. Speaking of guts…she has ’em. She’s a pint-sized badass. And that’s sexy as hell. When I’m around her, my skate blade’s not the only thing made of steel. Which makes it very uncomfortable when Coach is forcing me to be around her.
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