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For Love of a Grump

For Love of a Grump

By Kait Nolan


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Is there anything better than winning the reluctant love of an inveterate grump? Find out in this collection of three full-length grumpy soft for sunshine romances!

GRUMP IN A KILT: Grumpy estate manager Malcolm and his sunshiny nemesis Charlotte see eye to eye on nothing. But when they join forces to give a runaway a home, they just might find a new love and family along the way.

SOMEONE LIKE YOU: Struggling author Ivy heads to the mountains of Tennessee in search of inspiration — only to get caught in a blinding snowstorm! Army ranger Harrison offers her shelter in his cabin, where the attraction between them heats up fast…

STAY A LITTLE LONGER: As a successful farmer in small-town Tennessee, Logan is constantly busy — yet he can’t seem to keep his mind off the beautiful, talented chef with whom he shared one passionate night. When Athena returns home to hide out from a scandal, their connection reignites… and it’s up to Logan to make her stay!
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