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Human Anatomy in Full Color

Human Anatomy in Full Color

By John Green


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The human body is an infinitely complex marvel of fine design, superbly adapted to its functions. A host of specialized organs, bones, muscles, nerve fibers, blood vessels, and other anatomical features work together in harmony to maintain the network of interrelated body systems necessary to maintain life. Now the component parts of this intricate flesh-and-blood machine are clearly revealed in this treasury of detailed anatomical illustrations.
Noted illustrator John Green has rendered 25 exceptionally clear and precise full-color plates of the body's organs and systems: the skeleton, muscles, and skin, as well as the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, reproductive, and other systems. Illustrations also focus on such important organs as the eye, ear, and brain. Each carefully labeled plate has been reviewed for accuracy and is accompanied by an extensive caption written by Dr. John W. Harcup, clearly explaining the nature and purpose of the body part or system represented.
Its precision and clarity make this book an ideal supplement to school courses in biology, health, and other subjects, but it will also appeal to general readers, who will enjoy its wealth of superb illustrations illuminating the incredibly complex and highly specialized workings of the human body.
Book Recommendation Genie

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