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The Fast Track

The Fast Track

By Tom draycott


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You're about to enter a post-truth world. A world dominated by artificial intelligence.

A cruel exam separates members of the Establishment from the Plebeians. A pass ensures an easy life, and a failure… well, let's not talk about that now.

Stephen 'Mac' Mackenzie, Yoshiko Williams and Dinesa 'Ditz' Agrawal score one hundred percent and are sent to Cambridge to learn the art and science of being a 'Tech', one of the secret few responsible for maintaining progress and stability. Yoshiko is keen to escape and visit her beloved Uncle; Dinesa wants to help her brother, and Mac is about to learn the realities of power.
Find yourself in this fast-paced point-of-view novel and feel yourself being pulled in.

J.S. Johnston - "The imagery in the book was masterfully done"

Redd Bayside - "To say I was on the edge of my seat is an understatement"

Lexie Haslem - "Mac and Ditz are heart throbs. I loved this book! Such wonderful character development."
Book Recommendation Genie

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