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Jackrabbit Junction Jitters
The Dusty pit-stop of Jackrabbit Junction, Arizona is rampant with jitters, and not just the pre-marital kind. Claire is back, blowing in with a monsoon storm on her heels and raining trouble throughout the cactus-filled valley. A burglar is on the loose and she wastes no time forming suspicions, but her usual suspects are temporarily off the hook when a treasure hunt sidetracks her. Could the treasure be buried in the Lucky Monk mine, which someone is trying to swindle from Claire's soon-to-be grandmother?
Forced to seek help from her boyfriend, who wants a commitment she is not ready to give, Claire is swirling in a whirlpool of chaos, Throw her crazy sister into the torrent, along with an angst-ridden teen, a nervous bride, and some randy old men, and Claire struggles just to keep a toehold in the current.

Then her mother arrives...
Book Recommendation Genie

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