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Reclaiming Bliss

Reclaiming Bliss

By BJ Harvey


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This is a story of Sean Miller. He's a lawyer, a club owner, and a man that will have your panties diving for cover with an eyebrow quirk and will have even the strongest woman dropping to their knees in submission with his piercing stare.

Then there is Samantha Richards. She's a female cop whose tough, seemingly impenetrable shell is strong enough to resist everyone except the one man it was build up to protect her against, her college sweetheart ex, Sean.

What happens when their lives collide once after years of not seeing each other and the universe--and their friends--seem determined to push them together?

Can Sean prove to Sam that he's the only man she'll ever need, and will Sam let her guard down and finally trust her heart after years of regret?

**First published as Blissful Surrender**
Book Recommendation Genie

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