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Champagne and Lemon Drops

Champagne and Lemon Drops

By Jean Oram


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One woman. Two men. One meddling small town. Raised by her older sister in the small town of Blueberry Springs, all Beth Wilkinson wants is to create a family so big she’ll never be alone. Things are going great until her fiancé, Oz, rethinks everything from his own career to their nuptial plans—forcing Beth to do the same. As Beth works to rediscover herself in hopes of reattracting Oz, she catches the eye of the charming new city doctor, Nash. Not only does he see her as she’d like to be seen, but he knows exactly what he wants from life—and that includes Beth. Torn between the two men, as well as two versions of herself, Beth discovers that love and dreams are much more complicated than they seem. A sweet romance with over half a million downloads that will have readers wondering who Beth should choose. *** Listen along with the audiobook! ***
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