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Aligning with Heaven

Aligning with Heaven

By David Herzog


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In the midst of worldwide shaking and global anxiety, nations search for strategies. People struggle, desperate for answers. Maybe this describes you.
This timely repackaged edition of The Ancient Portals of Heaven reminds believers that they are citizens of another world—Heaven. Your life and your world need Heaven’s solutions!
Ministering in and traveling extensively to Israel and other Middle Eastern nations, author David Herzog has conducted significant research on the connection between the wisdom of the ancients, Israel, and the supernatural. He will show you how to unlock Heaven’s supernatural solutions and release them to transform your everyday life.
You will learn the answers to these and other questions:
What are the ancient pathways that opened up the supernatural for Moses, Elijah, and Solomon? What ancient wisdom allowed Solomon to be a king, inventor, writer, scientist, psalmist, businessman, and see the glory cloud firsthand? Where are the forgotten geographical and seasonal portals? What are the ancient secrets to world harvest?
Discover the secrets to aligning with Heaven and releasing God’s supernatural blessing, ancient wisdom, and resurrection power over your life… and into your world!
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