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Unhooked: Free Yourself from Addiction Forever

Unhooked: Free Yourself from Addiction Forever

By Dr. Adi Jaffe


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Learn to identify the "hooks" that trigger your addictive behavior and replace compulsive habits with constructive ones using this helpful guide from a mental health expert.

As a young man, Dr. Adi Jaffe’s own battle with addiction nearly landed him a decades-long prison sentence. Now, his revelatory addiction treatment protocol has helped thousands to free themselves from the addictive habits that cause negative consequences. Dr. Jaffe’s shame-free, step-by-step program helps you address what's driving your addiction by:   

   ·Identifying the “hooks” that drive your behavior
   ·Building awareness of when these hooks are activated
   ·Unpacking your go-to habitual responses 
   ·Creating new, healthier patterns and ways of reacting

The Unhooked Method destigmatizes addiction and uses habit change knowledge and tools to help you to unhook for an addiction-free life.

Editorial Review


By BookBelow Team | 2025-Jan-06

Reading Unhooked by Dr. Adi Jaffe was like stepping into someone’s raw and unfiltered life story, only to come out on the other side with a deeper understanding of addiction and how it impac... Read the full review

Book Recommendation Genie

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