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Home / Books / Trapped in the Middle Ages العالقون في العصور الوسطى
Trapped in the Middle Ages العالقون في العصور الوسطى

Trapped in the Middle Ages العالقون في العصور الوسطى

By Aly Brisha


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This book was published in Arabic and provides a study in the philosophy of history, attempting to answer questions about the reasons for the civilizational disparity between Eastern and Western countries in modern times. After the sixteenth century, despite the West's civilization being built on three innovations that represented turning points—namely, the printing press, the compass, and gunpowder—these inventions were known in the East before Europe But the countries of the East were unable to benefit from these inventions. Was the reason for this in the structure of these societies, in their culture, or in their political and religious systems?

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