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Science Fiction & Literature Books

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Wondering, what it is? A combination of Science fiction and Literature gives you an interesting and broader perspective on life. Many writers bring the elements of Science to Literary texts. It makes the readers quest about the different subjects they deal in. Fiction is something that has a plot, setting, and characters in it.

Science fiction is weaved with scientific elements in the story through which the advantages and disadvantages are been highlighted. Modern readers like to read science fiction that tells about the contemporary technological innovations as well as the fusion of arts and science gives a new outlook to the genre. Wanna read such astonishing books? Start reading our authors' fiction.

Eternity Road

By Jack McDevitt

Star Trek: Enterprise: Broken Bow

By Diane Carey

The Martian Chronicles

By Ray Bradbury

Black Chamber

By S.M. Stirling

The Birthday of the World

By Ursula K. Le Gui...

A Princess of Mars

By Edgar Rice Burro...

Saucer: Savage Planet

By Stephen Coonts

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

By Ursula K. Le Gui...

Doom 3: Worlds on Fire

By Matthew Costello

Bypass Gemini

By Joseph R. Lallo

Lodestone Book One: The Sea of Storms

By Mark Whiteway

Fantastic Hope

By Laurell K. Hamil...

The Killing of Worlds

By Scott Westerfeld

The Risen Empire

By Scott Westerfeld

Born of Vengeance

By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Born of Defiance

By Sherrilyn Kenyon

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