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Self-Improvement Books

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Sometimes, all we wanna read is not stories about other people’s lives, but some facts and advice that will help us improve our lives! Your determination decides who you are. Each one has a drawback and stays speechless without knowing how to improve ourselves?

Our website provides you with an astonishing collection of books that intends to improve you. Stress relief secrets, confidence building, self-motivation, emotional balancing, obtaining leadership qualities and management skills, interpersonal skills, speaking skills, and more. Read the books from our book rack to improve yourself!

Very Good Lives

By J.K. Rowling

Mandela's Way

By Richard Stengel

The Secret

By Robert Stuberg

Liderazgo. El poder de la inteligencia emocional

By Daniel Goleman

Why You Act the Way You Do

By Tim LaHaye

The Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights (Enhanced Edition)

By Daniel Goleman

You Can

By George Matthew A...

Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents

By Lindsay C. Gibso...

Amiga, deja de disculparte

By Rachel Hollis

The Power of Being Thankful

By Joyce Meyer

Playing Hurt

By John Saunders

Brave Enough

By Cheryl Strayed

Tiny Beautiful Things

By Cheryl Strayed

The Secret

By Rhonda Byrne

Tuesdays with Morrie

By Mitch Albom

The Power of Intention

By Dr. Wayne W. Dye...

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