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Adventure Books

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Heyy.. are you an adventure addict?

Wanna visit the strange land, people, setting, and atmosphere? Come, let's start the journey. You know, adventure fiction gives you a new and exciting experience in your life. It narrates past events and something that you haven't come across in real life. You will not know what will be the next action gonna happen.

It narrates the protagonist's life who may face dangers, exciting things, and more. Such novels are available for children and adults too.

Come, let's start the adventurous journey!

Tom Clancy's Net Force: Cybernation

By Tom Clancy

The New Springtime

By Robert Silverber...


By Greg Bear


By Jack McDevitt

Dragon on a Pedestal

By Piers Anthony

Engines Of God

By Jack McDevitt

The Peshawar Lancers

By S.M. Stirling

Ringworld's Children

By Larry Niven


By Jack McDevitt

The Saucer Series

By Stephen Coonts


By Orson Scott Card

Star Trek: Gateways #7: What Lay Beyond

By Diane Carey

Eternity Road

By Jack McDevitt

Star Trek: Enterprise: Broken Bow

By Diane Carey

Black Chamber

By S.M. Stirling

A Princess of Mars

By Edgar Rice Burro...

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