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Kids Books

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It is always better to start early especially when it comes to reading. Let the kids understand the importance of reading and nurture the reading habit from an early age. Oh, and let us not forget to mention that there is no age limit when it comes to reading children’s books.

There are tons of great books, with amazing themes available under Children’s books. The writers make sure that their writings focus on teaching morals, about good and bad, and also make them gain knowledge. Explore our collection and enjoy some relaxing read!

The Princess in Black

By Shannon Hale

The Keys to the Kingdom #5: Lady Friday

By Garth Nix

The Keys to the Kingdom #6: Superior Saturday

By Garth Nix

The Keys to the Kingdom #4: Sir Thursday

By Garth Nix

The Keys to the Kingdom #3: Drowned Wednesday

By Garth Nix

The Keys to the Kingdom #7: Lord Sunday

By Garth Nix

The Keys to the Kingdom #2: Grim Tuesday

By Garth Nix

The Keys to the Kingdom #1: Mister Monday

By Garth Nix

Marvin Redpost #2: Why Pick on Me?

By Louis Sachar

Marvin Redpost #8: A Magic Crystal?

By Louis Sachar

Marvin Redpost #7: Super Fast, Out of Control!

By Louis Sachar

Marvin Redpost #6: A Flying Birthday Cake?

By Louis Sachar

Someday Angeline

By Louis Sachar

Marvin Redpost #4: Alone in His Teacher's House

By Louis Sachar

Marvin Redpost #3: Is He a Girl?

By Louis Sachar

Marvin Redpost #1: Kidnapped at Birth?

By Louis Sachar

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