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Missed out on any events in history? Here, we have a mind-blowing collection for you.

Promising narratives will take you to the world of the past.

Hey, wake up! This is not a dream. We give the ideal historical background in books in a variety of forms. Get a chance to meet the iconic historical figures. Know their biography to get inspiration. When there is white, there is black; know their success and flaws. We turn the spotlight on rare lands and people. Just in to read the lives of brave kings, magnificent queens, people from different classes and backgrounds and their lifestyles.

Just for you...

Trace the past. Explore the world you didn't see!

All Secure

By Tom Satterly

Nothing Daunted

By Dorothy Wickende...

Charles Dickens

By Claire Tomalin

Jane Austen

By Claire Tomalin

The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806

By Meriwether Lewis

The Sheriff of Ramadi

By Dick Couch


By Ed Viesturs

The Perfect Pass

By S. C. Gwynne

The Warrior Elite

By Dick Couch

Ship of Ghosts

By James D. Hornfis...

China Airborne

By James Fallows


By Tom Clancy

Down Range

By Dick Couch

Hymns of the Republic

By S. C. Gwynne

True Summit

By David Roberts

Declaration of Independence of the United States of America

By United States

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