Book Recommendation

Health, Mind and Body Books

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Health, mind, and body are connected. If your body becomes weak, obviously your mental health will get affected. You know, working people mostly get mental stress that will lead to many health issues.

To avoid it, time management and priority skills are needed to cope up with stress as well as your routine busywork. How to find time to take care of yourself? You must need a guide from the experts to take care of your health, body, and mind. Here is a fantastic book to improve you. Dive into it to find peace of mind!

Reflections of a Man

By Mr. Amari Soul

Win Forever

By Pete Carroll

V Is for Vulnerable

By Seth Godin

Intentional Living

By John C. Maxwell

Lucky Man

By Michael J Fox

Very Good Lives

By J.K. Rowling

Mandela's Way

By Richard Stengel

The Secret

By Robert Stuberg

Liderazgo. El poder de la inteligencia emocional

By Daniel Goleman

Why You Act the Way You Do

By Tim LaHaye

Broken Trust

By Tim Cole

The Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights (Enhanced Edition)

By Daniel Goleman

You Can

By George Matthew A...

Thoughts In Solitude

By Thomas Merton

Mystics and Zen Masters

By Thomas Merton

Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents

By Lindsay C. Gibso...

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